Streamlining Document Management with iLeaf Solutions: A Case Study in Optimizing Workflow Efficiency

  • Cloud Storage
  • - Prepared by Natarajan Ramasamy

The main aim of the project is to create a modern and customizable centralized Document Management System module that serves the requirements of the owner of different departments of any organization to manage all kinds of documents same as the google drive application. The structured system enables each department to upload the needed documents into their own drive in the DMS application and share the documents with others for different purposes like File sharing, E-Signature, and Workflow. After sharing the document the respective quality team checks and review those documents with the facility to accept, reject, or add any comments to the document and again share with the respective defined users.

With this application, you can share the files and folders that you store in our Document Management System with anyone in your organization, but the system provided a certain limit on how you can share files with other people. When you share from the DMS Drive, you can control whether the people can edit, further share with other people, download, delete, copy files, move from one folder to another folder, view file properties, preview the file, or only view the file or folder. When you share content from DMS Drive,  at any time, Word Docs, Excel Sheets, or PowerPoint Slides and PDF files can only be edited only the owner and some users with editing permissions can edit the file. 

Document management software helps organizations manage documents electronically. The software enables users to:

- Retrieve information faster
- Store files in a secure environment
- Share documentation
- Manage document revisions and approvals

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The Challenge

A challenge we see while working on modernization projects for desktop applications involves local file access. Web projects have a completely different approach to working with user files that don’t include unrestricted access to the client’s file system. Until recently, if you wanted to modify a file on the client’s file system, you had to go through traditional upload and download dialogs, ending up with the same document multiple times in the downloads folder. The document management system is a crucial part of every enterprise infrastructure, especially regarding document edit features today.

Document management challenges that cloud-based document management system solutions
- Reduces Document Process Cycle Time
- Flexibility to Share Documents
- Version Control
- Document Edit (Edit the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Pdf files)
- E-signature for the shared PDF document
- Automatic Email Alerts
- Reviewer’s comments tracking
- Security of the Documents

iLeaf's Process



We discuss to ensure that we have the exact idea of what is required



There's regular interaction with the client to ensure things are on track



Begins according to the needs of our client



The final output will be a perfect match to our clients requirement

The primary responsibilities of the web-based Document Management system module are for users to upload documents online, and share the document with a group or individual.

The Main Major Characteristics of the Document Management system will be:
- Online Shared Drive for each individual user
- File sharing to others from our drive
- File sharing to others to add E-signature to specific documents (PDF).
- Workflow (The process aims to provide clear guidelines on how to complete a task in the document management life cycle.)
- Log Details
- Trash files and folder
- Storage Allocation for Each individual
- Dashboards
- Most all-important actions sending Notification mail and Notification alert messages also.

Project Development Technologies:
- Frontend: React Js &.Net
- Backend: Node Js.
- Database: Microsoft SQL Server.
- Third-Party Tools

We used the below-mentioned third-party tool to complete the document edit and e-signature-related tasks.

The Result

The result Document management system allows users to store files in the central servers, and share files or folders. Each individual can keep their organization-related files and folders in their allocated storage space and can able to share the document for edit, e-signature, and workflows.

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